Hello... This game is called Mike the Magician. A game about timing and knowing your keyboard.. Miss three in a row and loose. Hit start and the countdown will begin. You will have to hit restart after you loose and then start again to try again.


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It's awesome and lamp especially for the first game :p

Thank you.. I really appreciate it

he's got it like that

Thank you!!!! You are the most appreciated

LMAO.... Did you run out of the list... I better update that lol

Hey there!

Cool game. I like the pixel art. I managed to get all the way to 950 speed before it got me.

2 suggestions: 

1) it will be really cool if the magician will have some animation when I hit or miss the letters :)

2) The black J looks like an I when speed gets up. also Q and O. maybe get them smaller to not be on the brown background.

Well done on your work! hope you will continue working on it :)

Hey there!

Cool game. I like the pixel art. I managed to get all the way to 950 speed before it got me.

2 suggestions: 

1) it will be really cool if the magician will have some animation when I hit or miss the letters :)

2) The black J looks like an I when speed gets up. also Q and O. maybe get them smaller to not be on the brown background.

Well done on your work! hope you will continue working on it :)

Thanks for the review. I will look to update those features. I really wanted to add more to the game just was running out of time for. I appreciate the suggestions and will change the font and add an animation for correct letters pressed